Pilots – Our Paragliding Team

It makes me happy to fly and work with a great team of experienced pilots. As the managing director and owner of Joyride Paragliding, it is a pleasure for me to witness, the trust and understanding our pilots build up with our passengers. Our biggest goal is that every single guest feels welcome and comfortable to fly with his or her pilot. Therefore all our pilots are English speaking. Thanks to the personalities and the flying skills of our pilots, we are able to make every flight an unique experience. We welcome individual passengers and any kind of groups or teams.”

The Joyride Paragliding Pilots - Team

Robert Giesch

Owner Joyride Paragliding
‘I fly paraglider since 2003 and have done about 3,000 tandem flights with passengers. The flights were fascinating, unique and beautiful, because of the harmonic mixture of nature, human, enthusiasm and flying passion.’

English, German, French

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

Flying experience in the whole Alps and also in India, Nepal, Ecuador, Chile

Bicycle journeys, diving, all kind of mountain sports and playing drums

Born 1972, married, two children, living in Davos

Mark Bugmann

‘The phrase “shared joy is double joy” is what I like most about tandem flying. It motivates me and it is a privilege to witness how the flight gives the passenger a unique exhilarating experience, and the bliss that lingers on when we are back on earth.’

English, German, French

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

He flies since 1988 and his favorite flying spots are: Davos, Praettigau, Surselva and Alpstein. He was flying and living in New Zealand for some years. He is Freelancer for the paragliding magazine THERMIK.

He is a jazz drummer with his own band and plays frequent concerts.

Born 1961, lives with his wife and two children near Zurich

Peter Greis

‘The freedom that flying gives me can not be found anywhere else. The sky gives me the ultimate playground and the best escape from the daily grind. That I can share it with passengers is a beautiful thing – it is amazing how quickly it changes from “I have a fear of heights” to “this is awesome!‘

English, German

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

In the air since 1989, first with Delta, paragliding since 1996, and tandem since 2004, flying experience in Switzerland, Madeira, Nepal, Spain, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, California, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Florida, South Africa, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Crete; It’s simply the best excuse to travel.

Telemark skiing, good food, music, running, and hike and fly

Born 1967 in America; since 1999 in Switzerland with my wife, children and dog at home

Thomas Gresch

‘It is something special, to share the joy of paragliding with a passenger. And it’s always exciting and enriching to meet new people and get to know them during the flight.’


FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

Flies since 1988, he has flown in many regions of Switzerland but there are still flight dreams to be turned into reality.

Playing in a theater ensemble, skiing, skating, snowshoeing, biking, jogging

Born 1969, married, two children and lives in Merenschwand

Nina Eicher

'Paragliding is the salt in my life and enriches it with great people, unforgettable experiences and a lot of joy, which I can share with guests during tandem flights.'

German, English, Spanish and French

FOCA-licensed flight instructor and tandem pilot

Paragliding licence since 2011, tandem since 2016, flight instructor since 2020. Works part-time in flight schools and tandem companies and enjoys combining flying with travelling.

Cycling, hiking, travelling, on the move and outdoors a lot.

Born 1983, environmental engineer.

Daro Flückiger

‘To meet people – join in an adventure – being a part of the nature – share happiness. When these ingredients are combined with a tandem flight, an unforgettable experience will be created.’

English, German, French

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

Since 2009 licensed paragliding pilot and since 2016 licensed tandem pilot. Flying experiences in Italy, France, Austria, Marco and Turkey.

Hiking, swimming, biking

Born 1983, lives in Sattel, married, two children, independent physiotherapist

Stafan Hollenstein

‘Paragliding fulfills the deep desire of humans to be able to fly, in the simplest and most direct way. We like to help you to discover a world far from any computer animation – our world – but in true 3D and sharper than in 4K….’

English, German, French & Italian

Flight instructor and examiner FOCA/SHPA for paragliding & tandem paragliding, owner of Flugcenter Grischa in Klosters

Flying license 1989, tandem and flying instructor license 1992, since 1994 managing the Flycenter Grischa and working full-time in the paragliding busines.

Trekking, trail- and skyrunning, outdoorsports

Born 1967, lives with partner Clarina in Fanas

Raphi Waldmeier

'Even after years as a paraglider pilot, the moment of take-off is still indescribable for me. To be able to share this feeling and the incredible panorama that the third dimension offers with someone is the greatest thing for me.'

English, German

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

I have been flying since 2015 and am in the air whenever time and weather permits. Flying experience in England, USA, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Music (guitar & piano), cooking

Born 1990, together with a passionate paraglider pilot, mechanical engineer, living in Frauenfeld

Ivo Grünenfelder

‘I like to share my passion with other people. Flying makes me happy, because I like to be close to nature. What could be better than to fly over the Alps and to experience nature in this special way. My goal is to fulfill the dream of flying for my passengers and it’s just great to see a smiling face after the landing.’

English, German

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

He flies since 2001. He has experience as a tandem pilot in the Alps, Africa, Turkey and Brazil. He also owns a paragliding company in the Walensee region.

Cross-country flying, speed flying, skiing and all kinds of outdoor sports

Born 1976, lives in Vilters

Pablo Winzer

‘The nice thing about tandem flying is, that I can share my enthusiasm for flying with others. Especially paragliding’s simplicity and silence has almost something magical and surreal. The time in the air is pure relaxation, because you can turn off easily and live only in the moment. My goal is to give each passenger his desired unforgettable flight experience.'

English, German

Flight Instructor FOCA for paragliding & tandem paragliding

He is flying since 2002, works as a flight instructor for other flight schools.

Skiing and snowboarding, speed riding, kitesurfing, biking, diving….

Born 1986, lives in Wettingen and Klosters

Joel Richard

I prefer to fly with my head down.... :-). Sometimes fly acro during my lunch break or home from work in the evening.

English, German & French

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot

Brevet since 2005, Tandem since 2017, Acro since 2015, approx. 3000 flights. Flying experience: France, Spain, New Zealand, Lanzarote, Madeira, Chile, Turkey

Snowboard, MTB, motorbike, skate, surf…the main thing is outdoors!

Jg 1978…

Hitsch Caspar

‘To escape with guests and friends in the 3rd dimension and soar with the upwinds is for me again and again a great experience, which I like to share. No matter if we hang out relaxed over the summits or head-over tumbling towards the earth.'

English, German

FOCA-licensed tandem pilot


Athletics… and more.


What would you like to do?

Information Gleitschirm Tandemflug Davos

Here you will find all information about your paragliding tandem flight.

Reservation Tandemfliegen Davos

Book directly online a paragliding tandem flight in Davos Klosters.

Gutschein Tandemflug Davos Winter

Order a gift certificate for a paragliding flight in Davos Klosters.


Joyride Paragliding
Bramabuelstr. 9
CH-7270 Davos

Opening hours

Mon – Sun / 8.00 – 19.00
Please book in advance as we fly frequently.


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